World Builder is an adventure game creation system. Games created with World Builder are playable on any Mac OS compatible computer. On August 7, 1995 William C. Appleton released World Builder as FreeWare.
World Builder is currently maintained by Ray Dunakin.
System Requirements
Operating System: Mac OS 3 or higher
Memory: 218 K or more
Disk Space: 2 MB or more
Known Problems
Sound effects do not play properly on Macintosh XLs, AV Macintoshes, and PowerPC computers.
Variable #B2 does not store data reliably.
Getting Started
Refer to the Getting Started file in the Documentation folder for information on how to get up and running using World Builder. There are many other accompanying files that provide further information both on general adventure game design and World Builder techniques. These files are best viewed with SimpleText, not TeachText. SimpleText is included with System 7. It can also be downloaded via FTP from any Apple Software Updates site. SimpleText is in the Utilities directory. One URL is
Comments and questions regarding World Builder should be sent to Bug reports may be sent as well, but please realize that this program is no longer being developed. It is highly unlikely that further improvements will be made.
Copyright and Distribution Information
This program is distributed as FreeWare. This means that the package may be freely distributed and copied for non-profit purposes, providing that all the accompanying files are included and the files are not modified in any way. The author, William C. Appleton, retains the trademark on the name “World Builder” and the copyright on the program.
Version History
**World Builder 1.2—August 7, 1995**
- Now 32-bit clean (Ray Dunakin)
- New Finder resources (Ray Dunakin and Marc Khadpe)
- Repackaged with new supporting files (Ray Dunakin and Marc Khadpe)
- Distributed as FreeWare (William C. Appleton)
**World Builder 1.1—??, 1986**
- Fixed possible crash when setting certain attributes of magic objects